Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Big D, One of the Cats

I know people ascribe all sorts of strange qualities to their cats. And ours have theirs easily ascribed.

Big D, one of the cats, the male, sits on the windowsill as I shovel and rubs against me with great glee when I come back in the house. I went out back to clear the porch, and he climbed into the speaker columns to watch. I humanize him and get the clear impression he wants to help. I can"t read it otherwise.


  1. Or maybe he wants you to put on some 3rd wave ska and dance!

    parbezzl is the word. parbezzl for everyone and to you a parbezzl!

  2. I've got some early, early ska, and some Specials, and that's about it. I lost Op Ivy cd, and they might as well have been ska. Third wave? Would that be the Toasters? I lost all that stuff long ago.

    Jess and I have come to the conclusion that Slappy likes Jelly Roll Morton for dancin' and Woody Guthrie for cryin'.

    Bubbs seems the musette type. Not that she's pretentious, just that she's cosmopolitan and quiet. A coffee and cafe type fer sure.

    But out of them all, Big D is probably the most likely to pick up a slide trombone and wear the two tone.
