Thursday, January 1, 2009


There's been a lot going on, so the pace of the work on the novel has slowed. I crossed the 11,000 threshold today. I like to keep to 1,000 a day, which I consider pretty good for guy who has to work a non-literary job full-time. Some authors can go 10,000 words a day, and I probably could too, with enough time.

But I'm happy that I've been able to stick with it.

I started work on it months ago, but had to put it aside during the move.

When I get to do truck runs at work, I get the real work done, since I come up with ideas and write them on scraps of paper. Right now, I have scraps I haven't gotten to yet. Lots to do. Lots to work on.

I'm here with Slappy the writing dog. She seems to enjoy sitting next to me while I'm working. It's been my overall experience that animals are drawn to writing people. Must be some sort of calming influence. They could give a damn about that electric bass, let me tell ya.


Really pleased with my homemade hot saucy, which is very spicy but also tasty. Jess, who doesn't care for heat, even tried and enjoyed it. Ten years ago, I might have even thought about bottling it and giving it out to friends. Who knows. I still might.

I will call it Crawlfins Pepper, since that about sums it up. Not pepper sauce, but just pepper. I like the sound. "Pass me the Crawlfins Pepper, biotch." "Get it yourself, galoot."

It all works.


  1. The only hot stuff I can tolerate is made with Portuguese pimenta. But if you have some left during the beer party I'll give yours a try if you offer.

    Maybe you don't bring your ipod to work since the W ruins everything, but if you did you could use the voice recording function. Then you could use a voice-to-text conversion program and practically end up writing your novel WHILE you're working. I plan on experimenting with this process at some point. Vista has a very good built in voice recognition app... if I had to I'd just put a microphone next to my speakers and let it write straight in to Word.

  2. I have a voice recorder that creates mp3.

    I've thought about using it before, but I also realize that there is a physical element to a writing style.

    I wish I was a painter, not a writer. I really admire people who nail canvases and take up a brush. I like that mix of art and physicality.

    At the same time, it seems an experiment worth making. Let me know more as you experiment!
