Sunday, January 18, 2009

Brief Entry: Fish Sauce

I've started using a lot of fish sauce in my cooking.

Since the novel writing has halted, I just spent some time researching the history of fish sauce, and even discovered that Worcestershire descends from it, and that the Romans had their own variety.

I also found this enjoyable article on how it's made.


  1. Yes, garum was pretty funky. Anything that is safe to eat because its so funky that bacteria won't even grow in it is pretty intense. This is one of the reasons I developed my own fifth taste theory. Forget about umami. There is sweet, salty, sour, bitter and STANKY!

  2. According to an account I read, garum was actually mild and pleasant smelling. It gained its widespread reputation for skank because of the process by which it was made, which caused an odor so bad that it changed the way the barbarians looked at the Romans entirely.

    As a fan of washed rind cheeses, I'm with you here, and down with the skank.
